Award Recipients
Each year, SC showcases not only the best and brightest stars of high performance computing, but also its rising stars and those who have made a lasting impression. SC Awards is one way these people are recognized at SC. This years winners are listed below.
ACM Gordon Bell Prize Winner (for scalability and sustained performance)
"4.45 Pflops Astrophysical N-Body Simulation on K computer - The Gravitational Trillion Body Problem" by Tomoaki Ishiyama (University of Tsukuba), Keigo Nitadori (University of Tsukuba), Junichiro Makino (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
George Michael Memorial HPC Ph.D. Fellowship
Best Paper
"A Framework for Low-Communication 1-D FFT" by Ping Tak Peter Tang (Intel), Jongsoo Park (Intel), Daehyun Kim (Intel), Vladimir Petrov (Intel)
Best Student Paper (for original work primarily by students)
Best Poster
"Visualization for High-Resolution Ocean General Circulation Model via Multi-Dimensional Transfer Function and Multivariate Analysis" by Daisuke Matsuoka (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Fumiaki Araki (Japan Agency for Marine-Eary Science and Technology), Shinichiro Kida (Japan Agency for Marine-Eary Science and Technology), Hideharu Sasaki (Japan Agency for Marine-Eary Science and Technology), and Bunmei Taguchi (Japan Agency for Marine-Eary Science and Technology)
ACM Graduate Student Research Competition
Gold: "Optimus: A Parallel Optimization Framework with Topology Aware PSO and Applications" by Sarat Sreepathi (North Carolina State University)
Bronze: "Norm-Coarsened Ordering for Parallel Incomplete Cholesky Preconditioning" by Joshua Booth (Pennsylvania State University)
ACM Undergraduate Student Research Competition
Gold: "Pay as You Go in the Cloud: One Watt at a Time" by Kayo Teramoto (Yale University)
Silver: "On the Cost of a General GPU Framework - The Strange Case of CUDA 4.0 vs. CUDA 5.0" by Matthew Wezowicz (University of Delaware)
Student Cluster Competition
Standard Track Overall Winner - University of Texas at Austin with vendor partner Dell
Student Cluster Competition, Standard Track Highest LINPACK Performance - National University of Defense Technology, China with vendor partner Inspur
Student Cluster Competition, Pilot Track Overall Winner - University of Utah