Broader Engagement
Goals of the Program
The goal of the Broader Engagement (BE) Program is to increase the participation of individuals who have been traditionally underrepresented in high performance computing (HPC). The program offers special activities to introduce, engage and support a diverse community in the conference and in HPC. Competitive grants will be available to support travel to and participation in the SC’12 technical program. Consideration will be given to applicants from groups that traditionally have been underrepresented in HPC, such as African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and other underrepresented groups around the world, including women and people with disabilities. We encourage applications from people in all computing-related disciplines—from research, education and industry.
Mentoring Program Links Conference Veterans, Newcomers
Initiated and organized by BE, the Mentor-Protégé program supports the growth of a vibrant HPC community by connecting the newcomers at the SC conference with experienced conference attendees. The mentors share their experiences from previous SC conferences and their expertise in High Performance Computing (HPC) discipline with the protégés who are participants of the communities programs (HPC Educators, Student Volunteers, BE, and Student Cluster Challenge participants).
Program Materials
Some of the presenters in the SC12 BE Program (listed below) have made their slides available. They are:
John Towns-XSEDE: a range of opportunities for students
Chris Johnson-Visual Computing
Tony Hey-The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery
Mary Hall-Programming Exascale Supercomputers
Tim Mattson-OpenMP: The "Easy" Path to Shared Memory Computing