HPC Educators
The HPC Educators (formerly Education) Program offers activities for undergraduate educators and SC attendees interested in integrating HPC and computational and data-enabled science and engineering into classrooms. It also engages government and industry with the HPC educator community and provides a forum to share best practices.
In 2012, the HPC Educators Program is going through a major change to be more closely aligned with the SC Technical Program. Submissions for education materials were reviewed using a peer-review process similar to submissions to the Technical Program. The HPC Educators Program starts on Sunday, Nov. 11, and runs through Thursday, Nov. 15. SC12 Workshop registrants can attend HPC Educators sessions on Sunday and Monday, while Technical Program registration is required to attend sessions from Tuesday through Thursday.
This year the LittleFe Buildout is integrated into the HPC Educators program and will be held on Monday, Nov. 12.
SC12 continues the tradition of offering a high-quality education program, providing interested attendees with the opportunity to learn from and interact with internationally recognized experts teaching undergraduate and early career students in all areas of computational science and engineering, computer science and engineering, high performance computing, networking, and storage. HPC Educators Program sessions are focused on teaching these topics to undergraduate students with emphasis on curriculum development and pedagogy, and best teaching practices of interest to undergraduate HPC educators and general SC attendees.
Competitive grants were made available to support travel to and participation in SC12 for 90 applicants. Special consideration was given to applicants from post-secondary educational institutions that traditionally have been underrepresented in HPC, but are aspiring to introduce HPC into classrooms.
Check out our program and plan to attend!
Questions: hpceducators@info.supercomputing.org