Technical Posters and Scientific Visualizations
SC12 Posters
Posters provide an excellent opportunity for short presentations and informal discussions with conference attendees. SC12 posters display cutting-edge, interesting research in high performance computing, storage, networking and analytics. Posters will be prominently displayed for the duration of the conference, giving presenters a chance to showcase their latest results and innovations.
The poster committee selected 14 ACM Student Research Competition Posters (SRC), 5 electronic posters, and 80 traditional paper posters. One poster will be selected to receive the Best Poster award. Poster authors will present their work and be available to answer questions at the Research Poster Reception beginning at 5:15 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13. The ACM SRC pre-selection will happen during the poster receiption and the best poster presenters will be given the opportunity to present their work in short talks on Wednesday. All posters will also stay up during the whole week for all visitors. In addition, the poster area will feature a hang-out area where participants can socialize and discuss posters and other topics.
Submissions site (and sample submission form):
More information:
Scientific Visualization Showcase
The Scientific Visualization Showcase is back for a second year. The SC12 Scientific Visualization Showcase received 26 submissions, which showcased a wide variety of research topics in HPC. 16 submissions were selected for presentation at the SC12 conference. Selected entries will be displayed live in a museum/art gallery format so that attendees can experience and enjoy the latest in science and engineering HPC results expressed through state-of-the-art visualization technologies.
Submissions site (and sample submission form):
Questions: vis_showcase@info.