SC12 Home > SC12 Schedule > SC12 Presentation - In-silico Bioscience: Advances in the Complex, Dynamic Range of Life Sciences Applications

SCHEDULE: NOV 10-16, 2012

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In-silico Bioscience: Advances in the Complex, Dynamic Range of Life Sciences Applications

SESSION: In-silico Bioscience: Advances in the Complex, Dynamic Range of Life Sciences Applications

EVENT TYPE: Birds of a Feather

TIME: 12:15PM - 1:15PM

SESSION LEADER(S):Jill Matzke, Simon Appleby


Few disciplines are facing exponential growth in both algorithm and dataset size and complexity as is the case in life sciences. From genome assembly to high content screening and integrative systems modeling, the demands on both the software and hardware side require a dynamic range in computing capability and therefore present a major HPC challenge. This session details some of the ground-breaking results in cancer research and other areas, gained from solutions such as massive, in-memory computing and presented by prominent research institutions in collaboration with leading solution vendors working to advance the science.

Session Leader Details:

Jill Matzke (Primary Session Leader) - SGI

Simon Appleby (Secondary Session Leader) - SGI

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In-silico Bioscience: Advances in the Complex, Dynamic Range of Life Sciences Applications

SESSION: In-silico Bioscience: Advances in the Complex, Dynamic Range of Life Sciences Applications


TIME: 12:15PM - 1:15PM

SESSION LEADER(S):Jill Matzke, Simon Appleby


Few disciplines are facing exponential growth in both algorithm and dataset size and complexity as is the case in life sciences. From genome assembly to high content screening and integrative systems modeling, the demands on both the software and hardware side require a dynamic range in computing capability and therefore present a major HPC challenge. This session details some of the ground-breaking results in cancer research and other areas, gained from solutions such as massive, in-memory computing and presented by prominent research institutions in collaboration with leading solution vendors working to advance the science.

Session Leader Details:

Jill Matzke (Primary Session Leader) - SGI

Simon Appleby (Secondary Session Leader) - SGI

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