SCHEDULE: NOV 10-16, 2012
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Introducing Computational Science in the Curriculum
SESSION: Introducing Computational Science in the Curriculum
TIME: 1:30PM - 5:00PM
Presenter(s):Steven I. Gordon
Computer modeling is an essential tool for discovery and innovation in science and engineering. It can also be used as a valuable educational tool, involving students in inquiry-based problems which simultaneously illustrate scientific concepts, their mathematical representation, and the computational techniques used to solve problems. A number of institutions have begun undergraduate computational science minor and certificate programs. One major challenge in such programs is to introduce students from a wide variety of backgrounds to the principles of modeling, the underlying mathematics, and the programming and analytical skills necessary to provide the foundation for more advanced modeling applications in each students major area. This session will review the organization and course materials from such a course. Participants will use a variety of models that are used to illustrate modeling, mathematical, and scientific principles critical to beginning work in computational science.
Chair/Presenter Details:
Steven I. Gordon - Ohio Supercomputer Center
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