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SCHEDULE: NOV 10-16, 2012

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Teaching Parallel Computing through Parallel Prefix

SESSION: Teaching Parallel Computing through Parallel Prefix


TIME: 10:30AM - 12:00PM

Presenter(s):Srinivas Aluru


Some problems exhibit inherent parallelism which is so obvious that learning parallel programming is all that is necessary to develop parallel solutions for them. A vast majority of problems do not fall under this category. Much of the teaching in parallel computing courses is centered on ingenious solutions developed for such problems, and this is often difficult for students to grasp. This HPC Educators Session will present a novel way of teaching parallel computing through the prefix sum problem. The session will first introduce prefix sums and present a simple and practically efficient parallel algorithm for solving it. Then a series of interesting and seemingly unrelated problems are solved by clever applications of parallel prefix. The applications range from generating random numbers, to computing edit distance between two strings using dynamic programming, to the classic N-body simulations that have long been a staple of research in the SC community.

Chair/Presenter Details:

Srinivas Aluru - Iowa State University

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