SCHEDULE: NOV 10-16, 2012
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Application Performance Characterization and Analysis on Blue Gene/Q
SESSION: Optimizing Applications for New Systems
EVENT TYPE: Keynote and Invited Talks
TIME: 11:15AM - 12:00PM
SESSION CHAIR: Satoshi Matsuoka
Presenter(s):Bob Walkup
The Blue Gene/Q system presents a significant challenge to understanding application performance because of the degree of concurrency supported both within a node and across the whole system. These challenges are representative of the application characterization problem for future Exascale systems. In this talk, we present tools developed at IBM research to collect and analyze performance data from applications running at scale on Blue Gene/Q. Using these tools we characterize performance for a range of applications running at scale on Blue Gene/Q.
Chair/Presenter Details:
Satoshi Matsuoka (Chair) - Tokyo Institute of Technology
Bob Walkup - IBM
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