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SCHEDULE: NOV 10-16, 2012

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Cray Cascade - A Scalable HPC System Based on a Dragonfly Network

SESSION: New Computer Systems


TIME: 3:30PM - 4:00PM

SESSION CHAIR: Jeffrey Vetter

AUTHOR(S):Gregory Faanes, Abdulla Bataineh, Duncan Roweth, Tom Court, Edwin Froese, Bob Alverson, Tim Johnson, Joe Kopnick, Michael Higgins, James Reinhard


Higher global bandwidth requirement for many applications and lower network cost have motivated the use of the Dragonfly network topology for high performance computing systems. In this paper we present the architecture of the Cray Cascade system, a distributed memory system based on the Dragonfly network topology. We describe the structure of the system, its Dragonfly network the routing algorithms, and a set of advanced features supporting both mainstream high performance computing applications and emerging global address space programing models. With a combination of performance results from prototype systems and simulation data for large systems, we demonstrate the value of the Dragonfly topology and the benefits obtained through extensive use of adaptive routing.

Chair/Author Details:

Jeffrey Vetter (Chair) - Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Georgia Tech

Gregory Faanes - Cray Inc.

Abdulla Bataineh - Cray Inc.

Duncan Roweth - Cray Inc.

Tom Court - Cray Inc.

Edwin Froese - Cray Inc.

Bob Alverson - Cray Inc.

Tim Johnson - Cray Inc.

Joe Kopnick - Cray Inc.

Michael Higgins - Cray Inc.

James Reinhard - Cray Inc.

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Cray Cascade - A Scalable HPC System Based on a Dragonfly Network

SESSION: New Computer Systems


TIME: 3:30PM - 4:00PM

SESSION CHAIR: Jeffrey Vetter

AUTHOR(S):Gregory Faanes, Abdulla Bataineh, Duncan Roweth, Tom Court, Edwin Froese, Bob Alverson, Tim Johnson, Joe Kopnick, Michael Higgins, James Reinhard


Higher global bandwidth requirement for many applications and lower network cost have motivated the use of the Dragonfly network topology for high performance computing systems. In this paper we present the architecture of the Cray Cascade system, a distributed memory system based on the Dragonfly network topology. We describe the structure of the system, its Dragonfly network the routing algorithms, and a set of advanced features supporting both mainstream high performance computing applications and emerging global address space programing models. With a combination of performance results from prototype systems and simulation data for large systems, we demonstrate the value of the Dragonfly topology and the benefits obtained through extensive use of adaptive routing.

Chair/Author Details:

Jeffrey Vetter (Chair) - Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Georgia Tech

Gregory Faanes - Cray Inc.

Abdulla Bataineh - Cray Inc.

Duncan Roweth - Cray Inc.

Tom Court - Cray Inc.

Edwin Froese - Cray Inc.

Bob Alverson - Cray Inc.

Tim Johnson - Cray Inc.

Joe Kopnick - Cray Inc.

Michael Higgins - Cray Inc.

James Reinhard - Cray Inc.

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