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SCHEDULE: NOV 10-16, 2012

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Hierarchical Task Mapping of Cell-Based AMR Cosmology Simulations

SESSION: Cosmology Applications


TIME: 11:30AM - 12:00PM

SESSION CHAIR: Subhash Saini

AUTHOR(S):Jingjin Wu, Zhiling Lan, Xuanxing Xiong, Nickolay Y. Gnedin, Andrey V. Kravtsov


Cosmology simulations are highly communication-intensive, thus it is critical to exploit topology-aware task mapping techniques for performance optimization. To exploit the architectural properties of multiprocessor clusters (the performance gap between inter-node and intra-node communication as well as the gap between inter-socket and intra-socket communication), we design and develop a hierarchical task mapping scheme for cell-based AMR (Adaptive Mesh Refinement) cosmology simulations, in particular, the ART application. Our scheme consists of two parts: (1) an inter-node mapping to map application processes onto nodes with the objective of minimizing network traffic among nodes and (2) an intra-node mapping within each node to minimize the maximum size of messages transmitted between CPU sockets. Experiments on production supercomputers with 3D torus and fat-tree topologies show that our scheme can significantly reduce application communication cost by up to 50%. More importantly, our scheme is generic and can be extended to many other applications.

Chair/Author Details:

Subhash Saini (Chair) - NASA Ames Research Center

Jingjin Wu - Illinois Institute of Technology

Zhiling Lan - Illinois Institute of Technoloy

Xuanxing Xiong - Illinois Institute of Technology

Nickolay Y. Gnedin - Fermi National Laboratory

Andrey V. Kravtsov - University of Chicago

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Hierarchical Task Mapping of Cell-Based AMR Cosmology Simulations

SESSION: Cosmology Applications


TIME: 11:30AM - 12:00PM

SESSION CHAIR: Subhash Saini

AUTHOR(S):Jingjin Wu, Zhiling Lan, Xuanxing Xiong, Nickolay Y. Gnedin, Andrey V. Kravtsov


Cosmology simulations are highly communication-intensive, thus it is critical to exploit topology-aware task mapping techniques for performance optimization. To exploit the architectural properties of multiprocessor clusters (the performance gap between inter-node and intra-node communication as well as the gap between inter-socket and intra-socket communication), we design and develop a hierarchical task mapping scheme for cell-based AMR (Adaptive Mesh Refinement) cosmology simulations, in particular, the ART application. Our scheme consists of two parts: (1) an inter-node mapping to map application processes onto nodes with the objective of minimizing network traffic among nodes and (2) an intra-node mapping within each node to minimize the maximum size of messages transmitted between CPU sockets. Experiments on production supercomputers with 3D torus and fat-tree topologies show that our scheme can significantly reduce application communication cost by up to 50%. More importantly, our scheme is generic and can be extended to many other applications.

Chair/Author Details:

Subhash Saini (Chair) - NASA Ames Research Center

Jingjin Wu - Illinois Institute of Technology

Zhiling Lan - Illinois Institute of Technoloy

Xuanxing Xiong - Illinois Institute of Technology

Nickolay Y. Gnedin - Fermi National Laboratory

Andrey V. Kravtsov - University of Chicago

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