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SCHEDULE: NOV 10-16, 2012

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This Is Not Your Parents' Fortran: Object-Oriented Programming in Modern Fortran

SESSION: This Is Not Your Parents' Fortran: Object-Oriented Programming in Modern Fortran

EVENT TYPE: Tutorials

TIME: 8:30AM - 5:00PM

Presenter(s):Karla Morris, Damian Rouson, Salvatore Filippone


Modern Fortran provides powerful constructs for multiple programming paradigms: Fortran 95, 2003, and 2008 explicitly support functional, object-oriented (OO), and parallel programming. User surveys across high-performance computing (HPC) centers in the U.S. and Europe consistently indicate the majority of users write Fortran but most write older Fortran dialects and almost all describe their programming language skills as \self-taught" [1]. Thus, while 2012 appears to be a watershed moment with burgeoning compiler support for the aforementioned constructs, most HPC users lack access to training in the associated programming paradigms. In the proposed tutorial, three leaders of open-source, parallel OO Fortran libraries will give the students hands-on application programming experience at the level required to use these libraries to write parallel applications. [1] M. Bull, X. Guo, and I. Liabotis. Applications and user requirements for tier-0 systems. Technical Report D7.4.1, Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, (available at, February 2011.

Chair/Presenter Details:

Karla Morris - Sandia National Laboratories

Damian Rouson - Sandia National Laboratories

Salvatore Filippone - University of Rome Tor Vergata

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This Is Not Your Parents' Fortran: Object-Oriented Programming in Modern Fortran

SESSION: This Is Not Your Parents' Fortran: Object-Oriented Programming in Modern Fortran


TIME: 8:30AM - 5:00PM

Presenter(s):Karla Morris, Damian Rouson, Salvatore Filippone


Modern Fortran provides powerful constructs for multiple programming paradigms: Fortran 95, 2003, and 2008 explicitly support functional, object-oriented (OO), and parallel programming. User surveys across high-performance computing (HPC) centers in the U.S. and Europe consistently indicate the majority of users write Fortran but most write older Fortran dialects and almost all describe their programming language skills as \self-taught" [1]. Thus, while 2012 appears to be a watershed moment with burgeoning compiler support for the aforementioned constructs, most HPC users lack access to training in the associated programming paradigms. In the proposed tutorial, three leaders of open-source, parallel OO Fortran libraries will give the students hands-on application programming experience at the level required to use these libraries to write parallel applications. [1] M. Bull, X. Guo, and I. Liabotis. Applications and user requirements for tier-0 systems. Technical Report D7.4.1, Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, (available at, February 2011.

Chair/Presenter Details:

Karla Morris - Sandia National Laboratories

Damian Rouson - Sandia National Laboratories

Salvatore Filippone - University of Rome Tor Vergata

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