SCHEDULE: NOV 10-16, 2012
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IA3 2012 - Second Workshop on Irregular Applications - Architectures and Algorithms
SESSION: IA3 2012 - Second Workshop on Irregular Applications - Architectures and Algorithms
EVENT TYPE: Workshops
TIME: 9:00AM - 5:30PM
Organizer(s):John Feo, Antonino Tumeo, Oreste Villa, Simone Secchi, Mahantesh Halappanavar
Many data intensive scientific applications are by nature irregular. They may present irregular data structures, control flow or communication. Current supercomputing systems are organized around components optimized for data locality and regular computation. Developing irregular applications on them demands a substantial effort, and often leads to poor performance. However, solving these applications efficiently will be a key requirement for future systems.
The solutions needed to address these challenges can only come by considering the problem from all perspectives: from micro- to system-architectures, from compilers to languages, from libraries to runtimes, from algorithm design to data characteristics. Only collaborative efforts among researchers with different expertise, including end users, domain experts, and computer scientists, could lead to significant breakthroughs. This workshop aims at bringing together scientists with all these different backgrounds to discuss, define and design methods and technologies for efficiently supporting irregular applications on current and future architectures.
Chair/Organizer Details:
John Feo - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Antonino Tumeo - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Oreste Villa - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Simone Secchi - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mahantesh Halappanavar - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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IA3 2012 - Second Workshop on Irregular Applications - Architectures and Algorithms
SESSION: IA3 2012 - Second Workshop on Irregular Applications - Architectures and Algorithms
TIME: 9:00AM - 5:30PM
Organizer(s):John Feo, Antonino Tumeo, Oreste Villa, Simone Secchi, Mahantesh Halappanavar
Many data intensive scientific applications are by nature irregular. They may present irregular data structures, control flow or communication. Current supercomputing systems are organized around components optimized for data locality and regular computation. Developing irregular applications on them demands a substantial effort, and often leads to poor performance. However, solving these applications efficiently will be a key requirement for future systems.
The solutions needed to address these challenges can only come by considering the problem from all perspectives: from micro- to system-architectures, from compilers to languages, from libraries to runtimes, from algorithm design to data characteristics. Only collaborative efforts among researchers with different expertise, including end users, domain experts, and computer scientists, could lead to significant breakthroughs. This workshop aims at bringing together scientists with all these different backgrounds to discuss, define and design methods and technologies for efficiently supporting irregular applications on current and future architectures.
Chair/Organizer Details:
John Feo - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Antonino Tumeo - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Oreste Villa - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Simone Secchi - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mahantesh Halappanavar - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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